

Why I Posed, by Tammy

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015
"I posed for the campaign because I am tired of being silenced into submission through shame because I am a lesbian. The time has come for equality . "

The Only Rule Is Love

Friday, January 23rd, 2015
"It's very important for us to be able to raise our daughter in a world where everyone is equal , and the only rule is love ."

For My Daughters, by April

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015
I posed for my 2 daughters. My eldest was a victim of cyber bullying when she was in 6th grade, and to this day (5 years later) she is still in therapy. My other daughter is in 2nd grade, and I want to encourage her to stand up to a bully when she sees someone being picked on.

Why I Posed, by Chris Cheng

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015
" Bullying in all forms is wrong . As a gay gun owner, I see a need for more compassion, caring and dialogue. We can agree to disagree and must resist the urge to vilify and divide." - (@TopShotChris) Top Shot Chris Cheng , NRA News Commentator and Author "Shoot to Win"

How NOH8 Saved My Life, by Robin

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015
The NOH 8 Campaign literally saved my life. I was a victim of cyber bullying a few years ago, and it hurt me so much to the point where it made me sick. I almost took my life from it because I kept all the pain inside. I honestly didn't know how to recover from it. I would cry myself to sleep every night asking God to take me out of this world because I felt so hated. When I discovered