

To Be The Change, by Alice

Sunday, August 9th, 2015
"I posed because after so many years of not realizing I wasn't living authentically, I decided to take a step and change my life. I have 2 little boys who know nothing about hate, who knew me as mom with their dad and now know and embrace me as a strong single mom who also happens to be gay. Let us be the change we wish to see in this world and model it. " - Alice

My Letter To The World, by Kyle's Mom

Sunday, August 9th, 2015
" This is my letter to the world . Please, let the divisive "better than you" mentality end. Stop the "us vs them". Using race, religion, age, ethnicity, financial status, physical, mental, or cognitive ability, body shape, language, sexuality, gender identification, or any other criteria to justify inequality or superiority over another human being is

Double the Support

Monday, August 3rd, 2015
"I (on the left) posed with my twin because stories matter & I am an ally . I will never exclude anyone. I feel that we all need friends & community, but we're too shy/awkward to kick it kindergarten-style & introduce ourselves :) But I'm hoping to change that with my fellow 'crusaders of world karma ' & by quoting Penelope Garcia whenever possible."

Mother & Daughter, by Tabitha and Cassie

Monday, August 3rd, 2015
"I posed with my 7 year old daughter , Cassie, at her request . I have been a straight ally for years but to be honest until the NOH 8 Campaign took off when I was living in California, it really wasn't on my radar much. When she was 4, Question 6 was on the ballot in Maryland . I took her with me to vote that year and explained that my vote on this issue was important because

A Perfect Expression, by Gage

Monday, August 3rd, 2015
  "I would like to thank NOH 8 for this amazing photograph. Well worth the wait. I am a transman who wanted a perfect expression of who I am besides a drag king/male illusionists who travels the country , and you did it. I am a man with a normal home life and people need to know we exist outside of drag! Thank you!" Gage Gatlyn , The Original Master Male Illusionist 3 Time