

A Man of Faith (Who Also Happens to be Gay)

Sunday, July 26th, 2015
"My name is RJ . I'm 51-years-old and only came out when I was 49. I knew I was "different" (I didn't know what gay was at that time) at a very young age (5-years-old). It was not sexual for me, I just knew that I preferred to be with boys and liked to play with Barbies as well as GI Joes. In fourth grade, a boy named Bob M. asked me if I was gay. It was 1974 and I was quite naive.

Why I Posed, by Ternise

Sunday, July 12th, 2015
" I posed for NOH 8 to represent my fellow masculine females in the Lesbian community , and overall to show my support for equality for the LGBTQ community."

The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived

Friday, July 3rd, 2015
"For every Knight who grew up looking for his Prince. #NOH8"

Don't Put A Label On The Record, by Stella

Friday, July 3rd, 2015
"Don't put a label on the record." That is one of 15 "Safe Space Rules" used by the organization I work for which supports LGBTQ youth ages 14-24. I posed because even though I'm gay, I often get told I don't " look " gay. What's important is I look like ME! I try to impart that attitude to the youth I work with each day. Be , dress and live with who YOU are comfortable with

Stand Up For Love & Equality, by Taylor

Friday, July 3rd, 2015
"I have always been inspired by the NOH 8 Campaign as an aspiring teacher , so I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of the open photo shoot in Scottsdale . I have forever taken to heart what we all learned in elementary school… The Golden Rule . Bullying in any form is not acceptable & I look forward to when I can teach & model the principles of equality in