

Actor Trevor Wright for NOH8

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013
A few years back I starred in a little movie called SHELTER in which I played a young guy named Zach who realized he liked other guys. He also realized that it was more important to put others before self , and that with being true to your own self, you could find reciprocal love, even family, and have them both while fulfilling your goals and dreams. Your purpose . This

Former WBC Member Speaks Out

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013
My name is Lauren Drain, former member of the Westboro Baptist Church , and despite having denounced any and all beliefs and preachings of the WBC, I am still a Christian through and through. However, in my opinion, religion of any kind is a personal choice, full of personal values, definitions and views that should stay just that - personal . I don't think anyone

The NFL's Athlete Allies

Thursday, January 31st, 2013
A photo blog highlighting NFL support for the NOH8 Campaign, just in time for the Super Bowl. Pictured: Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo promotes NOH8 in football.

Tell Boy Scouts to Lift Anti-Gay Policy

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013
The Boy Scouts of America is actively considering an end to their policy banning gay scouts and leaders. Find out how you can help!

Register TODAY for CESCaL's 4th Annual Educator Conference!

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013
The NOH8 Campaign is proud to be a Silver Sponsor of Supporting Students - Saving Lives, CESCaL's 4th Annual National Educator Conference focused on LGBTQIA youth.