

Call to Action: Scouts For Equality

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013
With the help of ousted scout leader Jennifer Tyrrell, the NOH8 Campaign is putting out a call-to-action to all scouts for equality in response to the BSA's latest proposal.

No On Prop 8, by Crystal

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013
Verse 1: It’s such a Travesty that I can’t even be me, Taking away my civil liberties so I can’t even be me! Kind of hard to imagine what I could’ve done to you, To give you such a distorted view, perception of who? Me? We? The Rainbow Children not the Coalition, just a little different… Shhh…Listen, as I give you an opportunity to fact check and not simply

Straight But Not Narrow

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013
Fellow grassroots organization Straight But Not Narrow - designed to equip straight allies with the right tools to support their LGBT peers - teams up with the NOH8 Campaign.

Prop 8 Has Its Day in Court

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013
Prop 8 finally sees its day in court as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments in the landmark case.

2-Day South Africa NOH8 Event Kicks Off TODAY!

Friday, March 1st, 2013
The NOH8 Campaign's first photo shoot during Cape Town Pride begins today at the Protea Hotel Sea Point.