My NOH8 Photos 4001-4250

- Starr Ewald
- THIS IS SKYE, SKYE IS TRANSGENDER AND BEING AFFECTED BY BULLYING. On September 4, 2014 Skye was attacked and hit in the chest with a backpack as she came off the school bus to walk home. This sent her into an asthma attack and even though Skye tried to fight back Skye collapsed and hit the ground. Skye has yet to get justice and is afraid every day when is the next time I will be attacked? Skye is no stranger to injustice as sadly this has happened before in 2012 when A group of about 6 or 7 boys beat her up and threw her in a creek, while she was having an asthma attack. My wonderful neighbor found her and had their daughter run and get my husband and I. Since then Skye has fully come out to everyone and has even walked in the 2013 Austin pride parade. Of course my husband, youngest daughter and I were there holding signs and cheering Skye on. We FULLY support Skye and stand beside her 100 %. Skye was only 9 then and is now 11 and inspires us every day to stand up and fight the good fight on EQUALITY. EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL!! I write this as a mother who loves her child and I want so much for Skye to see this is not okay. No one has the right to hurt you because of who you truly are inside. This year Skye will once again be in the Pride Parade and I am volunteering for it as well. My husband, son and youngest daughter will be there holding signs and watching this beautiful child walk proud. My message is simply this WE LOVE YOU SKYE AND WE WILL ALWAYS STAND BESIDE YOU. PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD AND SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE WHO IS ALSO BEING AFFECTED BY BULLYING. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! #WESUPPORTSKYE THANK YOU PEACE N LOVE