My NOH8 Photos 3501-3750

- Stacey Malachowski
- So pretty much everyone is back in school...And my only concern is bullying....People please stand up for your self and others..Dont be a bystander. If you see something say something, because you could save a life.. You could be someones hope, You could help them see tommrow. Bullying is very high these days and many young kids have lost there lifes over it just because they felt they had no one to turn to. Or because groups of kids stood around and did nothing to stop it...It starts with you.. Say something, Do something, Be a hero. Todays society is all based on looks or popularity. Theres so much more to life then that...And someday we will all have perfect wings, So befor you laugh look in the mirror, bullies are ugly inside and out. Them kids you pick on but not be as pretty, But there beautiful inside and that's all the matters, Because looks wont get you far these days, It wont even get you an education....