My NOH8 Photos 2001-2250

- Jesse Johnson
- THINK.... before you speak. You can accomplish more speaking calmly and with kindness. Non violence is the answer to end the suffering that LGBTQ face not only from those that are NOT LGBTQ, but from those within the community itself. We must stop H8ing one another if we want to achieve equality. Words can be violent, they can cause wars, and instill fear into the masses. Even a rude or mean response to someone who is "hating on you" is still considered HATE. A "hater" does not deserve anything from you except for silence. You do not owe any explanation for who you are. The rise against hate will only be when we ALL learn to stop ALL ugly messages whether it is directed at someone or if it is in defense of someone. We must come together and challenge one another to be silent. There is no stronger nonviolent response to messages of hate except for the silence in unity we spread with this campaign. "Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals." -Martin Luther King Jr.