My NOH8 Photos 1751-2000

Siena Escobar - "I don't believe in gay rights; I believe in human rights." Kristy Bowen SIR.LARRY.G - I fully support and spread the word of NOH8! CAMPAIGN #MuchLove ✌ Brie Brown - yep
Robbie Robinson - New tattoo 3-2-12 JoJo - NOH8 PHOTOSHOOT with Adam Bouska @ SHARE NIGHTCLUB ON MARCH 03, 2012. Dylan Bradley - Noh8 :) Alexis Kennedy - NO H8. ALEXIS KENNEDY.
Patrick Dielehner Mariah Marshall - NOH8. ARMY AND DRAG KING <3 Kirk Cunningham Kelsy Dees - NOH8(:
Nicole Bartu - I'm an aspiring photographer as well as a gay-rights advocate, a friend approached me with the idea of joining the NOH8 family and I did an amateur photo shoot with the both of us. I posted the results on a social networking site and now a lot of my friends want to join the party as well. Maybe NOH8 can come to Medford, Oregon and include these people! :) Justin Grangnelli Jess - Loving my little tats Raisa MS - i might not go down on history.. but i did went down on someone
Marjolaine Tichoux - One French NOH8 :) Jonathan Perez - Follow Me @AyeYoJohnny ! TrinityHawk - I am a Native American Artist who happens to be a Trans Man who has faced bias attitude most of my life for many reasons seen and unseen.  Get educated, break the silence, and stop the hate!  Ashley lolli - On the Left (Me) Ashley Lolli & On the Right (My BestFriend) Tommy Deardorff
Bee Lor - I tried My Best..LOL
(Photoshopped) shemalejasmin - Shemalejasmin looking for Boyfriends young MEN for Long time Relationshipwho can share intimate moments with me Treasured moments , That will last forever.LOVE has NO boundaries..NO Limits NO standards ... Love is universal. Im a Cute , shemale Jasmin ,29 years old, Decent shemale & Smart, so R U Ready for RIDE ?? Royanne Westlund Corey - I took this with my camera on a timer...bad lighting and other things, but I think it turned out ok.
Heather DeKlyen Emma Schmidtke Lingzi Liu - shoot at LAR of UIUC Sydney Hamm
Eric DeBellis - Eric DeBellis
Student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Tommy Deardorff - Tommy Deardorff (me) on the right with my best friend Ashley Lolli <3 Becca Kravchenko - Taken at my school's GSA Emma McMullen
Jennifer Chan Ashley  Yannes - NOh8 Sean Turner - Hate that hurts others is what's truly unnatural.  We should not hear it. We should not see it. We should not speak it. Stop the hate. Spread the love. Nick Salazae - NO HATE :)
lilgurllove - This Is My Friend. Janie Foley - photoshoot with one of my bestfriends. we're both gay and support NOH8.<3 Kt betts leighleigh - Love is Love.
Catherine Edgson - I want to show my support because I believe in equality for EVERYONE: males and females, whether straight or homosexual, religious or ethnic groups... NOH8 DemiWhore - Demi Whore and DannyBoy.... from Dublin Ireland siera gonzales Lorry Accardi - All Love #NOH8
Antoine Plouffe Vespera - Vespera Eclipse Nyx of IMVU spreading the word in our own little piece of the internet. Sam - #NOH8Worldwide Linda Lim - NOH8
candice rex - no one should be told who not to love <3 Nate - NOH8! jaja chavez monika petersen - Love one, love all.
Rachel Watkins - Well, I'm a young photographer from Portland, OR and the NO H8 campaign is something very close to my heart, I've started doing photo shoots with the tattoos and they've really started to take off and I'm getting a lot of people everywhere asking me to do shots of them with the tattoos. Some of my best friends are of the gay community, supporting this campaign is something I can not only do for them but help the campaign in a whole. Hope you like it :) Rachel Thake - 'YOU'RE FAKE!' 'WHAT'S THAT ON YOUR HEAD?' 'YOU'RE CARNIVAL ALL YEAR ROUND!'

Those are some of the comments I received as I walked through the street at night. Comments made by people who know who I am, made by people who know that I wear a wig.
I do it, to please myself. I don't do it for the sake of making someone else happy. Wearing a wig makes me feel good, it's makes me feel versatile.. and it's a quick and easy change of style. 
Originally, I didn't want anyone to know about it. It was my little secret. A little secret in which if spread.. would make me die of embarrassment at the time.
I'm a stronger girl now and I will be for the rest of my life. I learnt that I should change myself for MYSELF. I don't live to please anyone but me.
Say what you want.. call me rude names.. scream at me.. but you're wasting your breath. I won't do what you say. I won't change for you. Joonmarie Roca-Brush - Actions speak louder than words Chrissy
mai martinez Dioury de Andrade Samantha Tucker - See NOH8, Speak NOH8, Hear NOH8 Lizzie Salomon - I'm SBNN, Straight But Not Narrow. I love my friends who are gay and I support the LGBT rights! I even have an awesome friend who's gay and is my tattoo artist!
Andrew Plecki - I came out last year to one of my closest friends and lost her in the process. My parents are struggling with it. And I look to my future with great hope and optimism. Jade~ - Every face counts. I hope mine will help make a difference <3 Sydney Wright - Halo and I after our official NOH8 photoshoot with Adam Bouska! Rhea - This should be put on a t-shirt. (Fixed up a bit first, but it would make for a cool idea.)
Crystal Carpenter - Crystal, Samantha, and Nate. NoH8! Dannie - I'm For The No H8 Campaign since my oldest best friend has always had trouble of being accepted and i've stuck up for them more then anything and i just want the world to be a peaceful place finally. Since i think everywhere should be free to date/marry who they find attractive straight or not with no problems <3 Lets End Bullying!!! Ben Luepnitz - Everyday things can get heavy, and feel impossible to bear. But if we take the time to realize we are all the same, we can share that weight together, and the stress would be a shadow of what it was once before. Christine Williams - I felt obligated to take this picture after hearing about the Trayvon Martin tragedy, realizing that this was absolutely 100% a hate crime!
Katrina Jenison - NO H8. Yani Macute - Some students at University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada gathered up for a NO H8 photo shoot. Bethany Varner - Love IS love. Everyone has a RIGHT to love.#equality #LGBT! lisette riera - My daughter, Savannah, put a piece of duct tape on her mouth after seeing a noh8 photo and I thought she'd b perfect to show that children are always accepting of everyone and don't discriminate and so should we adults be~
Alexandre Massey Teresa Barcenas - NO H8 Campaign @Columbus, OH - March 24, 2012 steven pilipow - my tears dont look like tears :/ love you all! johnathan williams - my NO H8 tattoo that i got after i was assaulted for being who i am
Ellie Rayne Alan Alvarez Lindsay MacKenzie - Lindsay MacKenzie. Photo credit: Jodi Chiasson Photography Slick Nic - Columbus, Ohio 2012
Joseph Williams Prince Stacia Conway Darrieus John
Zac Bonchev - Let's LOVE each other MORE. Jen - ;) Kat. - - [3.31.12] NO H8 photo :) tatiana torres
Danielle Garvin - NOH8 summergrl92 - NO
H8 Jim House - A excellent stop off at the local Ice Cream parlor to savor the memory of participating in the recent NOH8 photo shoot. I told myself that I would never wear tape over my mouth because I kept it shut voluntarily for so long. I did comply for the photo shoot though...then it came right back off. Marriage Equality for Homosexuals is necessary and should be legalized in my state as it is being done in other states. It's a human right...constitutional right and that's as plain and simple as the writing on my face. Peace Out...from St. Louis, MO.  -Jim House Tiffany Kyees - One love!
Tiffany Kyees
Shonda Garrison April Toreno shay danielle - No voice but we still must be heard. Spidey
Kandi - this is my NOH8 picture I hope you like it and there should be peace and no bullying or any kind of hurtful fights meg librizzi Stephan Lamar - NOH8 Dyamond
Denise Schweiger Daniela Delgado - no h8! Carlos Torres - Jasmine Droz Jeni - Uploaded by NOH8 Campaign for iPhone
Amalia Pike - Love is love. Nuff said. wytfeather - Me and my girls w/HairyIt...our traveling the Tulsa NOH8 photo shoot!! Jordan Garrett Gaby W
Iffy. - My NoH8 photo<3. Daneh Michael Roberts Jr. - After NJ NOH8 Photoshoot Jaime Oliva - .
Sarah Williams - NO H8 at a No More Bully Protest. @Flour BLuff High School katiedid - this is my noh8 self portrait. i did a noh8 campaign at my college for an assignment. Rikke Rasmussen - NoH8 on people just because they are not just like you! Myha Riley - My friends and I attend an HBCU and it was important to us that we show our support as minority students. As a person who identifies as a lesbian black woman with locs I am all the way "different".  It has been difficult to feel supported  but my friends and I found each other in the school of business and we really wanted to make a statement that we are here and everybody deserves EQUALITY.
Emily Heiman Ruslan Evans - ♥ Arelys  Jimenez - I hear by clarify that i Arelys Jimenez ,Give 100% percent support all my gay/lesbian/homosexual/bi-curious friends , Including my bestfriend in the whole universe tiffany castellanos ! I love this girl with all my heart and if she decides to be with her own kind, well why not? she sometimes asks me "Yo B! Is it true if i continue my way im going to hell?" Why should she be threaten by such a cold world and full of hatred and bible says “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” There fore he love her because she loves him♥ NOH8!
rlconrad7 - At the NOH8 Photo Shoot for the grand opening of the Like Me Lighthouse in Kansas City, MO Matt J - Me during our GSA's own mini No H8 photoshoot twitchy8688 - RIP Angel, I will always love you!!! Stianski - Sebastian Lomenski
U are Brilliant - Katherine U are Brilliant -Entertainer, Actress (Moscow, Russia) Lorenzo White - NoH8-Homosexuality dj Russ C. - dj Russ C. Bobbie Lewis - No H8 forever! Real ink!
Ruthie Porter - latest Tattoo.  As a small town photographer I am very public and very vocal.  People see the tattoo and ask and I am more then happy to explain what it is all about.  Desert Photos COMPLETELY supports NOH8 Ronald jr - VIDIO FOCUS by Ronald Reid supports NOH8 Campaign Taylor Thornton - Taylor from DMV. I've got love for the LGBT community NOH8 over here! erick gerson - My name is Erick Gerson I love expressing myself and what i'm feeling through the art of Makeup, I grew up in Mexico with a beautiful family. But  growing up, my life in the outside world was totally different,  not only I was hated by my classmates for being different (which at the time i didn't even know what the word "gay" was.) but people were rude because my religion as well, On the street they will call me names or sometimes they were aggressive towards me.
 I was raised in a family that educated me to be respectful to people in general. and i never understood why people would treat me like they did. 
I remember coming home form school crying and asking my mom why can't I be like all the rest of the kids at school so i wouldn't be making fun of.
Now I'm 26 years old I'm still struggling with people treating me like i don't belong in this world.
Please lets keep this world and love each other with No H8
fortheloveof4 - because everyone matters! Devin Rose Julia Dzieciaszek - No H8 D.J. - God Bless America. Land of the Free, Home of NOH8!
London Sharee - London Sharee for NoH8. 
Together our actions speak louder than our words... gustavo souza - NOH8 Catie  Andrews Catherine Hanaeva - photo shoot in support of the campaign ''NOH 8"
On photo: I am(Catherine) and my friend Victoria. (I'm with red hair XD )
all photos from our photo shoot:

From Siberia with love ♥
Sydney Winter - No H8 1Dfan - im against bullying .. :) Patrick McKelvey - NOH8 at Chatham University in honor of the 2012 Day of Silence Coltey - Me
Rachel Donelson - I support NO H8 because it's about damn time! <3 CJ - Christy Justice becca - Noh8 Jeni Moore - I have always taught my children to love anyone and everyone no matter what race, religion, or sexual orientation they may be. This was taught to me by my mother as well. When we saw the website for the NOH8 campaign, we knew we have to have our wonderful photographer friend take pictures for us. This photo is of my mother, photographer, my gay best friend, my two daughters and myself. We had a fantastic time with this photo shoot and are proud to support your efforts!!!
Katie Dahlheim - April 20, 2012 DJ Sexy - Happily Married for 12 years we have 4 kids together and he loves me for who I am.  :-D Holly Sears - Just got my Equal Rights sign tattoo! <3 Michael Portillo - Michael Portillo 18 Los Angeles, CA
Amateur NoH8 photoshoot held for an AP Literature group project at John C. Fremont High School. My groups social issue was sexual orientation where we put together a video,posters,and infomercial.
Jorman Esneider Rojas Patiño - NOH8 →LOVEisLOVE← Eduardo Gobo - NOH8 Kalley Jordan Katie
Jenn Short Emma  Schlagheck Amber Dunphy - I'm a criminal justice student at the University of New Haven and, as the chair of the American Criminal Justice Association Tolerance Committee on our campus, I want to show my support for No H8! Ivan Hernandez - Make It Stop!
Fo Flores - NOH8, To All My Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, & Transgenders. Anthony Alison Meek - shows some #StunninSupport Eduardo Oliva - Our family picture supporting NOH8 campaign. We will encourage our friends to do so.
Our family is based on Human Values, the first of them is freedom in any area.
Crystal Muno - Marcail. 23 months.  I hope that by the time she's old enough to understand this photo it will already be an antiquated concept and she'll wonder why I ever felt the need to advocate for something so obviously right. photographed by Imaginography Studios for more check out: Tiffany Rodgers Anakah Tucksen - NoH8 :] support love <3
13 years young Diana Gaeta - Volunteering at the Charleston, SC NOH8 Campaign event!
ImAliceBicorn - We should all have the same rights. Jackilyn Pace Jonathan Hutchinson Emily Carpio - NO H8! <3
steve wheeler - Maya was very eager to have her No H8 photo taken and as a very vocal 7 year old has been able to explain the campaign to others. It will be an amazing world for her to live in with NO H8..... Ma Paola - NO 8H ♥ Tera Castillo - Hello, me name is Tera Castillo from Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin. I am PROUD to say that I support the No H8 Campaign because I support LOVE! Love doesn't come in a law but the heart and people should be able to Love how and who they want to without restrictions. I stand for Love and I stand for NO H8!! calvin ward - Me and my best friend ALICA
Bee Photography, LLC - Was inspired and did a photo shoot based upon it.. This is my work!!! Kari Conway - Kari Of Lincoln CA albero j saldana - 5-5-12 Seattle, Wa Roger Carvalho - Taken in Brazil
Kelli Langley - My campaign photo taken a year ago Bea - Because the world needs more love <3 Drew - I support equality :) SRN - This photo is just some of the 2011-2012 member of the Saluki Rainbow Network, one of the oldest GSA's in the country. Saluki Rainbow Network was founded, April 14, 1971 on the campus of Southern Illinois University Carbondale as a registered student organization. Our members wanted to show our support of the NOH8 campaign during one of our meetings.
redbutterfly - i support noh8 for the simple fact that no ones basic rights should be taken away from them skylar kline - SR8 & NOH8 from Illinois<3 Nal Ramaabya - As a true supporter of the no h8 campaign,il stand up for what is right.every person desreves to be treated the same way!! Laura Duncan
Daniel Henke II Diavin  Gopal - Greetings From Mauritius wolfboy - NO HATE Maria Puentes - DJ Maria Puentes
Jamie Thompson - love Crisblondie - Equal Civil rights for everyone, NOH8 :) T'Janay Johnson - NoH8 all Love and Peace Julia Page
Megan Abbotts  - NOH8 Nina Stump - I joined this campaign because along with many others I want equality among all of us. <3 I'm straight, but people don't deserve to be denied of their rights. :) Vita Požar - We are all the same!! exztazy - michael exztazy no h8
Tim Notting Chiara Venuto - :) Pedro Mesio - We need always fight with our rights, and my face count for everyone.I say,'We are equal inside, and not different of each one' Brandon LeBlanc
Devan Adkins - Kayla Lacy and Irbin Morales of southcentral Virginia support No H8. mariatrouble - Me Showing My Support Simon Eriksson - I didnt have any ductape... And I didnt have any tattoo/Make-up.
With that said, I hope my contribution can still help. Joey Ecker - taken in nanaimo bc
Alessandra Porta - HOMOSEXUALITY is NOT a  Choice. -  (me wearing tshirt HEARTBEAT from PLASTICHEARTclothing. A Clothing line who fully Support NOH8 )  :) Sarah Gomez-Dueso Anna Paula Gomez iizziirawrgaga - Facebook: Isaiah Feliciano
The Curious Cook - The Curious Cook is a new web series celebrating New York, LGBTQ pride, & good eats! Catch episodes at, Like us at, twitter: @the_curiouscook Susan Wojtas - NOH8 Forever! Steven Ortega kim leon - Cell phone pic after coming home from NOH8 photo shoot at the W in NYC
Angelina  Colon Stephanie Crandall - Just back from my NoH8 photo shoot in Hartford Jesse and G-Rome - JESSE AND G-ROME. NOH8 CAMPAIGN 2012.  joe ficarra - This one is for all h8ters
Michele Masarik Sharlyne Vazquez - noh8.. Me and Shay.. @fspinky Brigitte Lindsey(: - I came out with being Bisexual when i was 13 turning 14. I lost alot of friends because they thought it was gross, i got picked on daily and everyone looked at me differently.. I just want everyone out there who came out with it and lost friends because of their sexuality that, things get better, people become more excepting, you'll make new friends who understand how you feel or except it and that the teasing ends eventually. Just stay strong.♥
Chris Funk Terra - Me and my lil Momma sitting in turn!!!! april pierson - the photo is of my brother and his boyfriend Thomas and Adam they have both past away. i promised my brother when he was sick that i would keep on fighting for equal rights and this is why took this photo Sherry Stinson - My Pit Bull, Xena, and myself. Since she is also a victim of discrimination and hatred, I felt she should wear the tattoo as well.
Pat Kelly - Photo i made :) i loveee This Campaign moree than anything! amazing! erica sheets - my tattoo on my leg Courtney Gradie - Pansexual Pride, NOH8 Just Love.

(I didn't have any silver duct tape.. just pink.. so I used black tape) Mika Stefano - South Africa's leading Gossip Blogger, Mika Stefano with the Queen of Bling and Socialite, Khanyi Mbau
NOH8erade Sammi - Love is not bound by gender 
It is not bound by hate either 
jimmy henry Áleffe Andrade - Photo made in Sorocaba University Paulista UNIP state of Sao Paulo in Brazil.
Andre Renaud - i wanted to take a noh8 photo so i did diana price - BOI-PAPI Elena  Vargas - Noh8 helped me realize I have been fighting myself for far too long. Someone once told me if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. This is what I believe in. I am standing now. Alex
Kimayr Well - Brasil Cerian Elliott Patricia Chavarria - Proud to be bisexual. I'm not changing for nobody. Mike - respect, please.
Reina  Shibata Brandon E.  Brooks - Filmmaker Brandon E. Brooks Alexa S - My friend Josh and I (both of us are out and proud!) meganLee sheldon
Lisa Hübner james gibson