My NOH8 Photos 1501-1750

- Ali
- This is me, AlexZandria. I'm 14 years old, and I'm Bisexual. I don't really remember how I came across the NOH8 Campaign... But I've been really interested in it ever sence. I was planning on trying to go to one of the events with my girlfriend... So I hope we can get enough money in time! I love my girlfriend... She's amazing! I haven't told her yet, or told anyone really... But I plan on marrying her when we grow up. Even though that's a long time from now. And I know most of you are probably thinking "They'll never stay together long enough for marrage." But I disagree. Another thing though... Is that the state I live in, it's illigal to marry another girl... And I really want to marry here. The place I have in mind is just so beautiful. And my mom told me that when she get's married, that's where she wants to have the wedding too. I guess I'll just have to wait and hope. NOH8!!! <3