

NOH8 Service Member Reinstated to Active Duty

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Anthony Loverde - discharged in 2008 under "Don't Ask Don't Tell" - to be reinstated to active duty.

Saying NO to H8 & YES to LOVE

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
I've wanted to be a part of the NOH 8 Campaign since the first time I read about it. Not only have I overcome bullying in school growing up, but I've also been in an almost 10 year committed relationship with my boyfriend and we are not legally able to marry in our home state. Even though we are accepted by our families and local community, we still feel a sense of "bullying"

New Familiar Faces Support #NOH8

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012
A photo blog featuring just a handful of the variety of familiar faces who have lent their face to the cause over the course of the past few months.

Gearing Up for GLSEN's #DayofSilence 2012

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012
This Friday, April 20th commemorates GLSEN's 2012 Day of Silence, a nationwide, student-led demonstration echoing the silence faced by the LGBT community due to discrimination and bullying.

For The Ones I Love, by Lorris

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012
NOH 8 . No Hate . No judgment… just acceptance for who we are and the choices we make in our life. I posed for this picture for a lot of different reasons. The first being for my son , because I want him to have proof that as his mother I will love him no matter what he does or who he will love when he grows up. I did this for my sister Liese who is one of the smartest and strongest