

My NOH8 Story, by Reginald Forest

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011
I posed for the NOH 8 campaign because I wanted to add my face to the increasing number of voices responding to hatred in our communities. Growing up, I was often picked on and bullied. I remember my peers yelling, “You are a FAG!” even before I understood what that meant. This occurred from 1st grade through 10th grade. Even in my church, the other kids picked

Why I Posed, by Steve Reeder

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011
Growing up, all I wanted to do was play guitar in a rock and roll band. However, back in the hard rock heyday, it appeared the territory of only straight white males. I knew I could never pretend to be something I was not, and thus put off all dreams of the rock and roll stage for fear of rejection or even bodily harm. Since then, I've gained the life experience

To Proudly Say 'I Do,' by Chase Stein

Thursday, September 8th, 2011
I posed for the NOH 8 Campaign because I hope to one day be able to proudly say " I do ," and I wholeheartedly believe that NOTHING is more important than equality for all people. Chase Stein GLSEN Media Ambassador

Sounding Off, by AC

Thursday, September 8th, 2011
Below is something I wrote to my friends on Facebook about things which arose from questions asked about my NOH 8 photo, I hope you like it and support it!  Thanks again for all everyone on the NOH 8 Campaign Staff does everyday! Given the circumstances of today and the things that have been said or gone on in the past couple of months I guess it's time I've said a couple

Being A Citizen of Change

Thursday, September 8th, 2011
I participated in the NOH 8 Campaign to say after 54 years that I will no longer tolerate being treated like a second class citizen. I want everyone to live in a world where they are free to love who ever they want and where hate is not tolerated. Change can only occur when ordinary citizens do extraordinary things. That means every one of us has a role to play, no matter