

At Least One Person, by Mary

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
I work in a high school in a very conservative small town. Occassionally I see kids struggling with their identities. I want them to know that there is at least one person at school to whom it is safe to come out, or just talk to, if need be.

Spreading Tolerance & Equality, by Tracy

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
I posed for NOH 8 because I think it is important to spread the message of tolerance and equality . I have many friends in the LGBT community, some of whom are engaged but haven't been allowed to marry yet. I married my husband last year and we feel that everyone should be allowed to marry their soulmate . Tracy Dorgan

Celebrating Our 25th Wedding Anniversary

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
It was an opportunity of a lifetime to join the NOH 8 Campaign when it all came down to a local photo shoot that we could hit. To Baltimore and Club Hippo, NOH 8 and volunteers: thank you! Finally, we got our chance to make a statement regarding equality for every one of us as well as victims of bullying. We put our camera-shy faces into it with pride , and gratitude to

One Reason, by Daniel

Thursday, July 5th, 2012
My reason for posing was simple.  I had just come out in November 2011 and was looking for something that I could do to show support for the community that I had hidden from and ignored my entire life.  I had some experiences when I was younger that made it difficult to come to terms with who I was, but once I was able to finally do that, I wanted to go all the way.  I wanted

Silent No More! by Gary & Dan Ross

Thursday, July 5th, 2012
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" silenced our voices and made our relationship invisible for nearly 12 years. We posed for the NOH 8 Campaign because we understand the painful struggle to overcome hateful legislation like Prop 8. Countless people and organizations fought tirelessly for the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and we want to give back to our community