Be Heard


Light Always Wins Over Darkness

Friday, March 16th, 2018
Just one week before this photo was taken, an ex-boyfriend broke into my San Francisco apartment in the middle of the night. He attempted to murder me by strangling, tasing, and using a loaded gun. I was able to escape , but he chose to take his own life in my home while the police had it surrounded. The morning of this photo shoot I was embracing " No Hate " for what had

We’re an average family, but I know our support of the LGBTQ community counts

Wednesday, March 14th, 2018
My name is Johnie , my beautiful wife is Melissa , and together we have four wonderful boys . Also, together, we have a gay man as one of our best friends , a son who is gay , and many LGBTQ who we call family . Our NOH 8 picture gives testament to our efforts to create a better world for our family and friends . We want a world where we can all be ourselves without discrimination

A Tale of Two Genders

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018
My name is Marshall Ragsdale . When I first took part in the NOH 8 Campaign , I was 20 years old and wanted to show my support for my LGBT friends and family - specifically, I wanted to show my love and acceptance towards my gay dad. 8 years later, however, I've taken part for a more personal reason: to represent the trans umbrella ! You see, my name is still Marshall Ragsdale

Je suis prest (I am ready)

Friday, February 2nd, 2018
My name is Alec Frazier . I am currently 31, and I have known I was gay for a little over 10 years now. I have been fortunate enough to have an extremely accepting family and group of friends . In community college, I was surrounded by a number of students and staff who tried to make my life hell. In part it was because I am gay, yes, but also because I have a number of disabilities

I Pose For Love In The Future

Monday, January 29th, 2018
I pose for LOVE in the future. It is really important we have organizations like this for future generations . When I grow up if I have kids, I want to do stuff like this. Me and my mom really bonded, while helping a great cause. We talked to so many great people there, over all it was great. ~Chloe Mann
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