Be Heard


"Never Forget" by Lowell Kane

Thursday, December 9th, 2010
In my NOH 8 photo I am holding a pink triangle armband from Poland that gay men were forced to wear during the Holocaust . Today we reclaim this symbol from history and empower ourselves with pride ...but we must also never forget. This item, along with posters, photos, and buttons from GLBT history are on display in the GLBT Resource Center at Texas A&M University

BE HEARD by Amanda Bruns

Thursday, December 9th, 2010
I took my photo with my sister, my best friend . My sister and I posed to show that we believe the GLBT community should be equal to the Straight community. I posed for her in the NOH 8 Campaign as well as others in the GLBT community. Everyone deserves equality in all forms, regardless of who they love. THANK YOU FOR COMING TO A&M ! Hope to see all of you again soon

Why I Posed by Tom Rocco

Thursday, December 9th, 2010
I am an actor/singer in NYC and I have been with my partner, Matt, for 21 years .  In June of 2007 we drove to Niagara Falls, Canada , to get married.  The impetus for this was that our then-Governor, Elliot Spitzer, passed a law that if one was an employee of the state and had a same-sex marriage somewhere where it was recognized as legal , New York state would then

Why I Posed With My Uterus

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010
In the last 9 years I have given birth to seven children. Three are my own and four (two sets of twins) are babies I birthed for two different gay couples. My Uterus is an Ally . I consider my surrogacy for gay men my own uterine activism . I feel strongly and passionately about equality and figure if I don't have tons of money to donate to the cause, I at least have a Uterus

Why I Posed by Patrick Anthony

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
Why did I pose? I posed because I was the bigot . I was the hater. I was the person who denied who I am and in doing so denied those around me. I have been a wedding officiant for three years. I have married over a hundred couples. When I first got started in weddings, I turned away every single request to preside over a Civil Union ceremony (the NJ equivalent of same-sex