Be Heard


We should all believe in equality for all, by Leah Remini

Thursday, March 12th, 2020
In 2008, in response to the passage of Proposition 8, @adambouska and partner @jeffparshley started the @noh8campaign to take a stand against discrimination . Now, 11 years later, the #NOH 8 Campaign has grown to fight against bullying of all kinds . I am honored to add my face (and my voice) to this movement. The message of 'No Hate' should be embraced and spread-

It's more important than ever to make sure we are not erased

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020
When the NOH 8 Campaign started, I was still discovering my identity. Seeing LGBTQ people standing up for their rights gave me the confidence I needed to continue to explore myself, so that I could see myself in that future. I hope that young people will find their courage through the movement to help fight for a better future. I wear the red ribbon in solidarity

I posed for those who can't

Thursday, March 5th, 2020
I posed because everyone should have the right to love with all their heart and to find that great love and shout it out loud . To explore and find their path and to be their true selves without fear. Finally I posed for those who can't ... For those who are no longer with us and for those who may not yet be ready .  Merry meet, merry part....merry meet again. ~ Heather

I will always stand for -and with- the LGBT+ community

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019
I posed because I've spent 24+ years (so far) as an LGBT+ activist and I will always stand for -and with- the LGBT+ community . While rights for white gay and lesbian people have improved, bi/enby/GNC erasure and the murders of transgender women of color remain rampant. We not only cannot stop fighting, we must fight harder . While transgender people have always

My Vulnerability Could be My Strength

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019
A couple of weeks ago, I was able to find my childhood mentor, Dr Dominic Brewer. As a young boy he provided me a view of masculinity that was both tender, and caring. He told me that my vulnerability could be my strength . Because of him, I have maintained relationships in Queer community throughout my life. It is my community . You are my sibs, across the gender spectrum,
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