Be Heard


What Does Sin Look Like?

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014
First of all I just want to say thank you so much to the NOH 8 Campaign! The work you do is so inspiring and needed! I struggled for a long time with my sexuality because I grew up in a conservative, Christian environment, where I was told and believed that my sexuality would cause me to go to Hell . I did not understand because I tried desperately to get rid of my attractions

Proud Parent. I Support! by Alicia

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014
As a teen mom at sixteen years old, I knew what is what like to be judged and looked at differently. Did I care? NO. I knew what had to be done: I finished high school, went to college, got the career... This story isn't about me, though.

Singer/Songwriter Mary Lambert on NOH8

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014
"I think one of the strongest defenses against homophobia is visibility , and NOH 8 does an incredible job of that; their visibility is undeniable. I don't know anyone that uses the internet that hasn't seen a NOH 8 photo. It sparks a question with each new viewer- and that kind of intrigue brings people to the understanding that millions of humans are silenced

No Room for Hatred in My Faith, by Revd. Andy

Thursday, September 26th, 2013
  My journey as a gay Christian , and an ordained Anglican Priest , has been an interesting and - at times - a painful one. It's been a journey of discovering who I am, and who I was created to be. As a gay Christian, it saddens me that I sit in the middle of two communities that are often at war with each other. However, I've gradually learned that I needn't be apologetic

Suzanne Brockmann (NY Times bestselling Romance Novelist) for NOH8

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013
Over twenty years ago, back in 1992, I wrote my first contemporary romance novel. In it, I included a secondary character—Kurt, the town sheriff—who was openly gay. He was funny, he was smart, he was handsome and brave—and he lived in a small town in Western Massachusetts with his partner, Michael. When I got a call from a publisher who wanted to buy my book,