Be Heard


Netherlands' Book of Dreams for Putin

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014
In November 2013, the Dutch King Willem Alexander and his wife Queen Màxima visited President Putin . When Willem Alexander became King on April 30th, the people of the Netherlands gave him a Book of Dreams for the Netherlands. With the visit of the royal couple in mind, COC and the Gay Krant came up with the idea to present President Putin with a book containing

Yes YOU CAN with NOH8

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014
For years I was told " YOU CAN'T . YOU CAN'T BE GAY. YOU CAN'T LOVE GOD. YOU CAN'T BE GAY AND AN ORDAINED MINISTER." I am here to tell you, YOU CAN , to each of those and more. God created each of us to be who we are and nobody should let you believe different. There will always be those who have hateful things to say about you and your life. There will always be those who try

Starting the Final Chapter

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014
I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to be apart of the last NOH 8 photo shoot in Tulsa, Oklahoma . I know it’s a little late in my life, but I am starting the last phase of my life…. I am very lucky as I do have a partner of 14 years (as of July 22, 2014) to share everything with. I was born in the “buckle” of the Bible belt where and when you didn’t speak of

Siblings of Pride

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014
I am so happy and proud that my younger brother David Morgan and I had the opportunity to meet and have our pictures taken by Adam for the NOH 8 Campaign . I’m the one pointing to my face (right side). Having had to face problems of homophobia and being told we were/are going to hell within our own immediate family is sometimes hard to carry through life. We’ve been

Standing Up in SLC

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014
Our family's reason for coming out to be heard through the NOH 8 photo shoot in Salt Lake City is very simple. It is important for all of us to stand up for love and for family , friends and strangers who deserve to be recognized as equal. We believe that a community cannot thrive without equality .