Stand Up Against Hate, by Cubby
Monday, January 7th, 2013I, Cubby Christopher P. Twist, posed for my NOH8 picture so that I could join the thousands that have already taken the time to voice their thoughts thru pictures. I love the POWERFUL message a simple piece of tape and the NOH8 tattoo can communicate. It says a lot with no voice at all.
I made sure to have my picture added to stand up to bullies, and all hate the GLBT Community faces, as I have been on the recieving side of that crap and it's not fun. I continue to do a lot here in Houston for our GLBT Community, hosting various fundraisers and all sorts of events over the last 20 years.
I have held numerous community titles here in Houston, and with each title I will continue to battle against HATE, HIV & AIDS along with various other worthy charities here in Houston and in any other city town I come to. There are many that can't stand up for themselves, and I will do all I can.
THANK YOU Adam Bouska & the NOH8 team for coming to Houston, so that I along with all the other Houstonians could have their picture taken to stand up against HATE!